Smar­tour 2

The stu­dents were gi­ven the chal­len­ge of con­struc­ting a web­si­te for cur­rent EU pro­ject Sus­tai­nable ma­na­gers in the Tou­rism sec­tor SMAR­TOUR. The stu­dents faced con­si­de­rable chal­len­ges not only in terms of lan­gua­ge but also in com­mu­nica­tion me­diums and a short time scale.

– Ge­ne­ral­ly spea­king, how did the coo­pe­ra­tion go?
I am plea­sed that it has ma­na­ged to pro­duce a sa­tis­fac­to­ry result.

– What about the communication?
This was chal­len­ging and it would pro­bably been good to have a sky­pe con­ver­sa­tion or two for cla­ri­ty on both sides.

– Were you hap­py with the re­sult? Was the web­si­te what you were ho­ping for?
The web­si­te is sa­tis­fac­to­ry and pro­fes­sio­nal; I think the­re are mi­nor as­pects which could be im­pro­ved still furt­her. I es­pecial­ly like the fact that the web­si­te has been op­ti­mized for smartp­ho­nes as so many people now access web­si­tes th­rough that me­dium. If the team has time to re­view and de­ve­lop the web­si­te furt­her that would be good.

– Was the pro­duct (web­si­te) de­li­ve­red on time?

– Af­ter this pro­ject would you be rea­dy to work with us again in some ot­her project?

– Would you recom­mend us to so­me­bo­dy else?
Ab­so­lu­te­ly, I think you took on a good chal­len­ge and de­li­ve­red it well.